Friday, October 24, 2008

Tortoise and the what???

Someone asked me what the Tortoise and the Hare reference meant in the previosu post:

The Aesopian tale proved the hare's cockiness was his downfall, while the tortoise surefooted, steady endurance made him the winner. In their second meeting, during a boxing match, the tortoise's endurance proved him a winner once more.

I might have to run this one as a shirt...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Where is the legit Barber Shop website???

Don't worry, I have been working on the site, just think about the story of the tortoise and the hare.

It will be ready soon, and will be coming at you like a car crash!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who needs a haricut?

Let's cut to the chase here, I needed a haircut then and probably do now! This is around 1980 and it's me next to my grandpa Andy the barber, and my great grandmother. I can see it in his eye's "sure it's his birthday, have you seen my scissors"!

So I grew up in the era of the "bowl" cut, and regretably was forced to have this hair style for many years. I remember family pictures with everyone rocking the "bowl", from dad to mom, and down the line through my brothers and even some with my sister with the tupperware style.

Let's all take a moment and be grateful that this style has subsided, for now at least.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Who needs a haircut?

So I could not resist dropping Biz Markie as another immortal contestant on "who needs a haircut", not only because he had an album titled "I need a haircut", but the guy is well deserving of any and every award we can offer him.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Paul Newman - A true legend to say the least.

Who needs a haircut?

I decided to start a regular posting titled "Who needs a haircut?", when I stumble across people who are in obvious need of a trip to the local barber for that classic age old 20 dollar 20 minute makeover...first up is one of my favorites, Chewy is that you?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Barber Shops From Around The World - Looking Good Billy Ray - Feeling Good Louis

I started to post this with some friends of mine in Japan in last week they showed some of their friends and customers my first shirt, and handed out some combs at the INTERSTYLE trade show. Arigatou gozaimasu and you know I appreciate the support!!!
Here is the thing I am too tired to write much more, as I just revised my first shirt design for the second run and started more designs tonight so I have just about had enough for the day...12:32am and I am signing out. Oyasuminasai or konnichiwa depending on what time zone you read this. Much love.


