Sunday, November 30, 2008

no sir, it aint like mine...the bomb squad get's buzzed and faded

Bombsquad "It aint Like Mine" from Joshua Dixon on Vimeo.

Who needs a haircut?

The Unabomber really needed a haircut, why do you think he wore the hood and glasses, embarrassment.

Could a nice visit to the local barber shop have prevented Ted Kaczynski from becoming the Unabomber?

Let's think about this for a second, looking good is the beginning to feeling good, as proven by the end exchange between Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd in the 1983 movie Trading Places.

So Theodore grew up as a smart child, moving through school in the 50's and 60's and eventually receiving a degree from Harvard and a PhD in math from the University of Michigan.

I am willing to bet his hair was cut frequently during this time, it was when he starting teaching at UC Berkeley when he started to cross over into the Una-world, those damn free radical liberals.

Let's face it, when they found him in his remote cabin he looked like a Michael Landon never looked that bad and he lived in a little house on a prairie.

If I looked as scruffy as Ted became, I may hide out too...and start thinking weird anti social thoughts...on occasion I have been known to do this, and I quickly run out to the barber for a trim and a shave...and the world is a lot better afterwards, trust me.

Now you may think I am being shallow or naive for connecting physical looks with a persons mental state, and especially that of a psychotic murderer, although am I really? I admit I am not a specialist, nor do I hold a PhD in Mathemetics or any such prestigious title of that nature, yet I personally think I may be onto something.

Take a look at a timeline of pictures, he looks perfectly normal as a kid with a bird on his shoulder sitting next to his brother, who would have guessed he would have gone full goose bozo and did what he did?

So do the world a favor go get a haricut and start looking good...but more importantly FEEL good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes we can, yes we did, and yes he does...

Oh yes he does, President Elect Barack Obama backs the barber he is visiting Major League in Philly before he beat out Hillary in the primary, and way before his triumphant and historical victory of last night.

Sneak Peek at Official B.S. Site

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Who needs a haircut?

Donald Trump was built for this prize. I guess being worth 2 billion dollars does not get you a good barber. I guess the world talking about how bad his hair looks for years does not sink in...Donald time to tell your Barber he is fired.