Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh Yes I Did!

Last month I built a Photoshop template to assist me when choosing shirt colors. I can now set my designs on top of any color shirt body, and once colors have been selected send them off to the printers.

The night before the inauguration I came up with this Obama shirt and printed a couple by hand right here in my studio at home.

The image does not show it...but the back reads "Yes We Did!"

Sketchy Stuff...

This post is dedicated to Sydney Nadine Metcalf, born at 1:38 p.m. on February 2nd 2009 - Groundhogs Day! This 6lb 11oz little groundhog girl is the daughter of my friend Chris "Sketch" Metcalf and his good lady of Oregon, congratulations you two, and much love! Send pictures???

In true sketchy Chris Metcalf style...I took a brief hiatus, or maybe was hibernating in a cave for the last few months I cannot remember and as edith Piaf sand "no regrets". I admit, building the foundation for this business has been slow going and the global economic situattion has not helped. I did have take a little break there for a bit with all the Holiday travels and work and such. Although I have been working more the past few weeks...and it feels great.

Below are just a few recent sketches I have been working on, I have also been doing a LOT of the administrative red-tape inevitable paperwork one must do when starting a business, the fun part!

The bottom image shows the progression from idea, to quick sketch in coffee shop and then two more drafts.

As always click on the images to see them bigger.

Monday, February 2, 2009

this is a test

It's been so long since I posted anything...I had to test my skills. It's just been one of those busy seasons life can sometimes throw our way.