Thursday, September 25, 2008

1st down...and whole lot of game left to play.

After making it official and getting my business license, I took the rest of the day to hit the streets. I went to probably 15 barber shops in 4 hours and only sold 1 shirt. It was not a total loss by any means, quite a few backed the brand dug the idea but where not Raiders fans and that's when I b-lined south from Richmond into Oakland hoping the Raiders shirt would be better received. I had good feedback and repsonse in Oaktown but many wanted XXL or XXXL. Lesson learned even though I knew this going into it.

I took a break from interrupting barbers while they made thier oney, and I hit a clothing/shoe boutique called Verse. It's a dope shop in oldtown Oakland with really good peeps...I had a really great conversation and this is when I realized today I actually made first down, but have a lot of hustling to do.

Niners fans hold tight...and yes the legit BS site will be up shortly I have been working my ass off to make sure it's worth the wait.

Thanks to all the shops who heard me out today and gave me that nod of approval...and when I said I would be back, I will.

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